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Never miss that important voicemail.Sure, you already have voicemail. Everyone does. But you don't want an 80s answering machine. You need a service for the 21st century-one that instantly forwards messages to any device or messaging app (like Facebook Messenger and SMS).
iGotcha even transcribes your voicemail for easy reading when silence is golden. And with unlimited storage, you can review past messages anytime without the need for deletion.
No cell signal or carrier contract is required. WiFi alone does the trick. And your current number? Keep it. Better yet, use iGotcha to consolidate all your phone numbers into one voicemail service that's conveniently with you everywhere.
***Features ***Transcribes your voicemail for easy review: supports English (American/Indian), Japanese, Mandarin (Chinese/Taiwanese), Cantonese (Hong Kong), Spanish (Spanish,/Mexican), German, French (Canadian), Korean
Receive and review your voicemail anyway you like via email, SMS, push notifications, Facebook Messenger, and/or the iGotcha app.
Lets you read and respond to messages more quickly than your current voicemail.
Use it anywhere in the world – since it works with WiFi alone, you don’t need a phone signal or a separate carrier contract.
Offers Caller ID so you'll always know who's trying to reach you, allowing you to make more informed decisions on which messages need your attention. (*ID's of delivery service drivers are not included in the database.)
***Note***In order to use this service, the phone plan you are enrolled in must support call forwarding.There is no need to have a voicemail contract with any mobile carrier. This service can be used on its own.The communication fees for forwarding calls from the mobile carrier to iGotcha will be at the customer’s expense.
***Support***You can view the FAQ through the in-app menu.If the FAQ does not resolve your issue, please contact us by filling in the information below.
App Name: iGotchaModel Name:Android Version:Description of Issue:
Contact email address: [email protected]
***Price and Length of Subscription***$2.99/month (without tax)NOTE:- Price may change. - Subscription is auto-renewed one month after the date of registration.
***Cancellation of Current Month’s Subscription***Cancellation of current month’s subscription is not supported.
***Trial version***Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription.